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Geoffrey Milton

All About People

Need help to resolve your business, personal or employee conflicts & disputes?

Our Fees

We have 30 plus years' experience working with people; it is our foundation and your cost effective resolution is our focus. We know the costs involved with formal and legal processes and our approach is quite different.

Our Fee Structure

The fee structure is simple and designed with you in mind. Our commitment to you is providing you with the experience, professionalism and pragmatism as would be expected. We do not charge VAT on our services.

We charge £100 per person per hour. Sessions are usually booked by the day which is an 8 hour allocation. The cost of our services is £1600 per day for 2 participants, and £120 per person per hour for additional participants.

Mediation and Dispute Resolution

You can access our mediation services remotely or in-person and we can divide the time into smaller sessions to meet your requirements.

Coaching and Organisational Change Consultancy

The time allocated can be spent on any number of specific projects or training for you and your teams. We can provide policy writing and strategic planning support and be by your side as you manage your in-house provision. This time can be divided across a number of days, weeks or over a month, depending on what is needed. We will agree the number of days needed and requirements in advance as part of our initial consultation.

What do our fees include?

Our fees include the time spent with you and reasonable preparation of up to 3 hours. This will include the preparation of any documentation such as policies, strategies or agreements.

What do our fees exclude?

In addition to our fees, we charge travel and accommodation fees. If we need more than 3 hours to prepare for you, we will discuss this and charge accordingly on a time-spent basis per hour. If a venue is needed for mediation or training, this will be payable by you. Remote meetings, including mediations, will not incur any venue costs. We do not charge VAT on our services, which saves you 20 per cent off the overall cost for comparison.

Fees for non-profits and charitable organisations

Please talk to us if you are a charity or non-profit organisation. We are happy to consider a service which fits your budget and explore suitable options.

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Strategic Advice and Guidance for you and your organisation. Our accreditations:


ADRg logo

Cinergy Certified Conflict Management Coach logo

Civil Mediation Council Registered Mediator logo

CEDR Accredited Mediator